
An interface describes what functions an implemented class will have to code. E.g. if a class was a car and the interface had functions for how many doors etc, then a class of Vauxhall that implements the interface would have to code the function to return the correct amount of doors.

Here is the code, I usually find the code explains it better.

// defines the fuctions that have to be implemented by a implementable class
interface implementThese
       void printHi();       // have to implement these
       void printBye();
// the interClass will implement the interface implementThese
class interClass implements implementThese
       public void printHi()
       public void printBye()
class inter
       public static void main(String args[])
              interClass in = new interClass();
              // call the classes functions.

If you save as, and then run the output will be


There can be many interfaces per class to be implemented.

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