delegates – settings function on the fly

Delegates allow a virtual method/function (static method) to be called via a link (which is the delegated variable). I have done a post before about delegates but kinder think and also have been asked how do you link one to a class and also change the delegated function due to a user input, so here goes.

I have started with setting up what type of method that I want to be associated with the delegated variable, this will be a mathematical function of either addition or subtraction with using integer values, so we need to return a integer value and also pass in two integer parameters, so a new delegated virtual method would be

public delegate int mathsOp(int value1, int value2);

and here would be a example of a method that the delegate is able to link to, because it takes 2 integer parameters and returns a integer value

public int add(int value1, int value2)
	return value1 + value2;

so we now have the delegate declaration and also a method to be able to point to, so we now need to setup the variables, one for the actual functions (MathClass that is holding the subtraction and addition methods) and also the delegated variable theMathOp that is a delegated type.

MathClass mathFunc = new MathClass();
mathsOp theMathOp;

to actually set the method up on the fly, you just need to tell it where you want the delegated type to point to

theMathOp = new mathsOp(mathFunc.add);

and all is needed to call the delegated type variable, well you just call it like any other method

theMathOp(inputValue1, inputValue2);

that is about it, here is the code in full that will take in some values from the user and also the user is able to choose between addition and subtraction methods

using System;
namespace newDelegates
	// a maths holding delegated function
	public delegate int mathsOp(int value1, int value2);
	class MathClass
		// the functions to call within the class
		public int add(int value1, int value2)
			return value1 + value2;
		public int sub(int value1, int value2)
			return value1 - value2;
	class MainClass
		public static void Main (string[] args)
			// setup the maths class which has the functions inside to call
			MathClass mathFunc = new MathClass();
			mathsOp theMathOp;
			// there is no error checking in the inputs!!
			Console.Write("Please enter value 1 : ");
			int inputValue1 = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());
			Console.Write("Please enter value 2 : ");
			int inputValue2 = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());
			Console.WriteLine("Please enter maths function :");
			Console.WriteLine("1 : add");
			Console.WriteLine("2 : sub");
			int mathsInputFun = Convert.ToInt16(Console.ReadLine());
			// setup the virtual function to which ever the user wants
			switch (mathsInputFun)
				case 1 : 
					theMathOp = new mathsOp(mathFunc.add); 
				case 2 : 
					theMathOp = new mathsOp(mathFunc.sub); 
				default :
					Console.WriteLine("Settings to add");
					theMathOp = new mathsOp(mathFunc.add); 
			Console.WriteLine("Value 1= " + inputValue1 + (mathsInputFun == 1 ? " + " : " - ") 
			                  + " value 2 = " + inputValue2 + " = ");
			// here we call the virtual function that was setup
			Console.WriteLine(theMathOp(inputValue1, inputValue2));

and below is the output of two runs of the program, one using addition and the other using subtraction

Please enter value 1 : 3
Please enter value 2 : 2
Please enter maths function :
1 : add
2 : sub
Value 1= 3 +  value 2 = 2 = 5
second run through
Please enter value 1 : 5
Please enter value 2 : 2
Please enter maths function :
1 : add
2 : sub
Value 1= 5 -  value 2 = 2 = 3

Reflection – Calling functions

With c++ you can call functions as a reference instead of the actual name, as long as the reference is linked to the function itself (I did a post about it function pointers and also within csharp delegates)

To start with, we need to sort out what function we want to use to call, I am going to pick a function that returns a value and also passes parameters (kinder covers all aspects really), so this is going to be the function

public String addsTogether(String st1, String st2)

So to start off , lets build up the parameters to pass to the function, we have two string parameters, so we need to have a array of 2 strings.

String[] passingParameters = { new String("genux"), new String("was here")};

Now we need to setup a link to the function that we want to call, we setup a class instance with using the forName (which is the function name). Also because the function takes 2 String parameters we need to setup blank classes that are both Strings in types.

Class callingClass = Class.forName("CallMethodClass");
Class[] callingParameters = new Class[2];
callingParameters[0] = String.class;
callingParameters[1] = String.class;

this is the main part, this is the link, we create a Method (from the java.lang.reflect package) that links to the class function/method “addsTogether” (the function at the start of this post) and also the parameters type and length (2 strings).

Method callingMethod = callingClass.getMethod("addsTogether", callingParameters);

that is about it, all we need to do is to call the function now and that is it, so we use the Method link above variables invoke method, this takes the class that the function is wrapped within and also the parameters that we want to send to the function (method and function are kinder interchangeable) and that is about it. Since the returning value is a String (and we know this) we will need to case the returning type into that by using (String) otherwise it would be a type of Object (the base object type in java)

String result = (String)callingMethod.invoke(new CallMethodClass(), passingParameters);

Here is the source code in full (Save as if you want to compile it up)

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
public class CallMethodClass {
	// adds together the two strings with inserting a space between them
	public String addsTogether(String st1, String st2)
		return st1.concat(new String(" ").concat(st2));
	public static void main(String[] args) {
			String[] passingParameters = { new String("genux"), new String("was here")};
			// setup the link to the class to call
			Class callingClass = Class.forName("CallMethodClass");
			// passing parameters to the callingClass, the method has two String parameters
			Class[] callingParameters = new Class[2];
			callingParameters[0] = String.class;
			callingParameters[1] = String.class;
			// and now setup the method to call
			Method callingMethod = callingClass.getMethod("addsTogether", callingParameters);
			// call the method and get the return (convert to a String)
			// pass in the parameters here, when calling (invoking) the method
			String returnValue = (String)callingMethod.invoke(new CallMethodClass(), passingParameters);
			// and now output the result
			System.out.println("OUTPUT : "+returnValue);
		} catch (Exception e)

here is the output of the program

OUTPUT : genux was here

Events – fire that event

An event will be fired when something has happened and then you can link to that event and do something else if you wanted to. To start of with you have to link a event with a delegate function which will be the event handler.

To setup a delegate you can have the object and also any event arguments ( you can add in more if you want to, but these are the basics to include)

	// setup a delegate for the event to fire with.
	public delegate void ChangedEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);

here is the class that will actual fire the event, to start with I link the “event” to a virtual method as such called Changed (with the delegate from above ChangedEventHander).

	// this is the MyEvent class that will create the event fired.
	public class MyEvent 
		private int x;
		// the event for this internal class
		public event ChangedEventHandler Changed;

here is the event firing function, this will call the Changed “virtual” method as such when ever you call this function.

		protected virtual void ThisHasChanged(EventArgs e)
			// try and call the delegate ChangedEventHandler
			// make sure that there is something to call for the event to fire.
			if (Changed != null)
				Changed(this, e);

and here is the get/set for the internal X variable and in the set I call the ThisHasChanged function above.

		// call the ThisHasChanged event when you set the internal value of X.
		public int xValue
			get { return x;}
			set { x = value;ThisHasChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }

So that is the event firing, but you will need to have a listener that will listen to any events and call something that will deal with the fired event, so here is the listener class.

So the listener, is just like any other class, but you will need to have a internal reference to the class above so that you can link to the event fired, so here is the MyEvent internal class for the listener.

	// the listener for the event firing
	class EventListener
		// MyEvent class
		private MyEvent ThisIsMyEvent;

and then the constructor for the EventListener, you pass in the MyEvent class that you want to “link” (the one that you will create within the running part of the program). and from within the MyEvent, there was a “virtual” method as such called “Changed”, well now we can create a link so that when that event “Changed” has been called from within the MyEvent Class I can link to a function within this class EventListener with using a new delegate ChangedEventHandler and the ValueHadChanged is within the EventListener class.

		// the class constructor and you need to pass the MyEvent class to link to the listener.
		public EventListener(MyEvent SetUpTheEventLink)
			// Create a link to the MyEvent class passed in to the internal MyEvent Class
			ThisIsMyEvent = SetUpTheEventLink;
			// this is the link to the listern function.
			ThisIsMyEvent.Changed += new ChangedEventHandler(ValueHadChange);

here is the ValueHadChange, same setup as the delegate parameters since we are basically passing event details between them both and can pass in more details is you want to, but you really only want to have the object (the MyEvent class) and any event arguments e.g. errors etc. at present it just says , “Oh yeah.. I have altered”.

		// same style as the delegate e.g. object, eventargs, that is sent from the event fired.
		// THIS IS THE LISTERN as such, function..if you want to do something like.. do not alter the value!! 
		private void ValueHadChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
			Console.WriteLine("Oh yeah.. I have been altered");

since there was a Changed link attached to the above function, to clean up you can detach the link with using something similar to the constructor of this class, but instead of using += (to add) you just need to subtract from the Change virtual method -=

		// detach the listener function from the event MyEvent 
		public void Detach()
			// take the event linked from the MyEvent class.
			ThisIsMyEvent.Changed -= new ChangedEventHandler(ValueHadChange);
			ThisIsMyEvent = null;

Here is the full code

using System;
// when alter a number in the internal part of the class.
namespace codingfriendsEvents
	// setup a delegate for the event to fire with.
	public delegate void ChangedEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
	// this is the MyEvent class that will create the event fired.
	public class MyEvent 
		// the event for this internal class
		public event ChangedEventHandler Changed;
		private int x;
		protected virtual void ThisHasChanged(EventArgs e)
			// try and call the delegate ChangedEventHandler
			// make sure that there is something to call for the event to fire.
			if (Changed != null)
				Changed(this, e);
		// call the ThisHasChanged event when you set the internal value of X.
		public int xValue
			get { return x;}
			set { x = value;ThisHasChanged(EventArgs.Empty); }
	// the listener for the event firing
	class EventListener
		// MyEvent class
		private MyEvent ThisIsMyEvent;
		// same style as the delegate e.g. object, eventargs, that is sent from the event fired.
		// THIS IS THE LISTERN as such, function..if you want to do something like.. do not alter the value!! 
		private void ValueHadChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
			Console.WriteLine("Oh yeah.. I have been altered");
		// the class constructor and you need to pass the MyEvent class to link to the listener.
		public EventListener(MyEvent SetUpTheEventLink)
			// Create a link to the MyEvent class passed in to the internal MyEvent Class
			ThisIsMyEvent = SetUpTheEventLink;
			// this is the link to the listern function.
			ThisIsMyEvent.Changed += new ChangedEventHandler(ValueHadChange);
		// detach the listener function from the event MyEvent 
		public void Detach()
			// take the event linked from the MyEvent class.
			ThisIsMyEvent.Changed -= new ChangedEventHandler(ValueHadChange);
			ThisIsMyEvent = null;
	class TestMyEvent
		public static void Main()
			// create a new MyEvent class
			MyEvent MyEventToCheck = new MyEvent();
			// link in with the EventLister , passing in the class of MyEvent
			EventListener TheListener = new EventListener(MyEventToCheck);
			// should fire of a event !! because I am changing the internal x value.
			MyEventToCheck.xValue = 10;
			// will not fire a event because I have not changed it.
			Console.WriteLine("X = " + MyEventToCheck.xValue);
			// will fire of another event.
			MyEventToCheck.xValue = 5;

and here would be the output

Oh yeah.. I have been altered
X = 10
Oh yeah.. I have been altered

If you want to gain access to the object sender within the EventListener class to the function that was listening to the event fired, if you alter it as below, but also since because the MyEvent was also linked within the constructor you also have that link as well.

		// same style as the delegate e.g. object, eventargs, that is sent from the event fired.
		// THIS IS THE LISTERN as such, function..if you want to do something like.. do not alter the value!! 
		private void ValueHadChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
			Console.WriteLine("Oh yeah.. I have been altered");
			Console.WriteLine("New value of X = " + ((MyEvent)sender).xValue);
			Console.WriteLine("Internal MyEvent class x = " + ThisIsMyEvent.xValue);

then you can gain access to the MyEvent from within the object sender and the output would be

Oh yeah.. I have been altered
New value of X = 10
Internal MyEvent class x = 10
X = 10
Oh yeah.. I have been altered
New value of X = 5
Internal MyEvent class x = 5