Wordsearch c# – Word class

I am just doing a test/comparsion between the different ways of getting a similar code syntax to work in different languages for a similar project idea. The main project idea is wordsearch grid with words inserted onto the grid, I have already done a basic php version and here is the word class in php word. Below there is a full class version of whole class, but also some parts that I have expanded to try and explain in more detail.

This code will return a String array from a ArrayList type. The ToArray changes the ArrayList to type of string then the “as string[]” returns the list of string as a string array.

			return (arrayL.ToArray(typeof(string)) as string[]);

Here is the word class in c#, I have added allot of code comments to give details of what is happening.

using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections;
namespace wordsearchcsharp
	class Word 
		private String[] _words;
	 	public  Word() : this("words.xml", 5) {}
		public Word(string wordsOrFilename, int maxSearchNum)
			this._words = new String[maxSearchNum];
			// just load from a file the words to search, instead of input as well.
			String[] loadedWords = loadWords(wordsOrFilename);
			// create the searchable words from the loadedwords array.
			this._words = this.searchableWords(loadedWords, maxSearchNum);
		private String[] loadWords(string filename)
			XmlTextReader fileReader = new XmlTextReader(filename);
			ArrayList fileArray = new ArrayList();
			while (fileReader.Read())
				// get the NodeType from the XML reader, different types
				// Element = name of element
				// Text = the actual text/word
				// End Element = end of the element name
			    switch (fileReader.NodeType) 
					// if there is a word in the file e.g. not a end/element
					  case XmlNodeType.Text: 
			// change the ArrayList into a String[] array using the ToArray method
			return (fileArray.ToArray(typeof(string)) as string[]);
		// create a list of words from the words passed in and also 
		// the maximum number is the maxSearchNum.
		private String[] searchableWords(String[] words, int maxSearchNum)
			ArrayList returnWords = new ArrayList();
			// if the maxsearch value is greater or equal to the number of words to search for 
			// just return the words string[].
			if (words.Length <= maxSearchNum)
				return words;
				// create a good seed for the random generator.
				Random randGen = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
				int randomNum;
				// randomly pick out words from the array
				for (int i = 0; i < maxSearchNum; i++)
					// pick a random number
					randomNum = randGen.Next(0, words.Length);
					// add to the array list to return
					// rebuild the array with removing the random number generated.
					words = rebuildArray(words, randomNum);
			// convert back to the String[] 
			return (returnWords.ToArray(typeof(string)) as string[]);
		private String[] rebuildArray(String[] rebuildSt, int numberToTakeOut)
			ArrayList arrayL = new ArrayList();
			// out of range error.
			if (rebuildSt.Length < numberToTakeOut)
				return rebuildSt;
				for (int i =0; i < rebuildSt.Length; i++)
					// only add in the words that are not the
					// numberToTakeOut word from the array
					if (i != numberToTakeOut)
			return (arrayL.ToArray(typeof(string)) as string[]);
		public void printOutWords()
			Console.Write("Words : (");
			for (int i = 0; i < this._words.Length; i++)
				Console.Write("  " + i + " = " + this._words[i]);
		public String[] returnWords()
			return this._words;
	class MainClass
		public static void Main(string[] args)
			Word word = new Word("words.xml",3);

and a output would be

Words : (  0 = he  1 = old  2 = sole)

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