XML reader compile and link – cpp

From the post of the full code of the xml reader project, full code here.

Here is how to compile it up and also link to a basic main run method.

Compile up

g++ cppxmlreader.cpp -c

will create the cppxmlreader.o (which is the object file) if you do file on the object the outout would be

file cppxmlreader.o
cppxmlreader.o: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped

and then using this code xmlreadmain.cpp

#include "cppxmlreader.h"
int main(int argv, char** argc)
    xmlReader xmlRead;
    return 0;

This will include the header file of the cppxmlreader.h and then create a xmlReader object and load a basic file of words.xml and then print out the xml read in.

Here is the words.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <word attname="hi">merry</word>

and to compile up the main run the cppxmlreader.o is the object file from the above compiling and the xmlreadmain.cpp is the main runner with -o being the output name of the executable.

g++ xmlreadmain.cpp cppxmlreader.o -o xmlreader

and if you run the xmlreader, the output should be

XML Reader Main Object (Xml main details)
XML Object
Tagname  :
Tagvalue :
Attribute 0 : Name : version Value : 1.0
Attribute 1 : Name : encoding Value : UTF-8
XML Reader xml details
XML Object
Tagname  :words
Tagvalue :
XML Object
Tagname  :word
Tagvalue :merry
Attribute 0 : Name : attname Value : hi
XML Object
Tagname  :word
Tagvalue :old
XML Object
Tagname  :word
Tagvalue :sole
XML Object
Tagname  :word
Tagvalue :was
XML Object
Tagname  :word
Tagvalue :he
XML Object
Tagname  :/words
Tagvalue :

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