An Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is basically styles of a page within a block of text. The cascading part means that the last value for a set style will be the value taken, e.g. if at the top of a style sheet there is a value of black for the back ground colour and then white is below that, the white value will take precedence over the black.

Here is a example of styling within the tag body.

       <title>Background colour</title>
       <body bgcolor="#BCBCBC">
              hi world

And this is an example with CSS within the html code.

       <title>Background colour with css</title>
       <style type="text/css">
                     background : #DCDCDC;       
              Hi World

There are many styles options within the html styling list, hopefully shall cover most of these in the future.

Hello World

The (X)HTML uses tags to describe the area of the page, e.g. title tag means the title of the page. The below code displays “Hello World” in the page and the title of the page is “Hello World Tutorial”.

Cut the code from here

<title>Hello World Tutorial</title>
Hello World

if you save that as helloworld.html, and then open up the saved page with your browser of choice.