Lets just say that you are writing a template program and you want to add into a array of function calls, which you can add to as well on-the-fly. Within PHP you can use a function called call_user_func which allows you to call a function using a stringed parameter in the first parameter and the next parameter(s) (if you wish to pass more than one parameter) is next. Hopefully the below will demonstrate better.
<?php function test($var) { echo "test : " . $var; } function example($var) { echo "example : " . $var; } $funarr = array(array("test", "codingfriends"), array("example", "was here")); foreach ($funarr as $funarr_call) { call_user_func($funarr_call[0], $funarr_call[1]); echo "<br/>"; } ?> |
and the output would be
test : codingfriends example : was here |