struct – initialization values

When you define a new struct(ure) and initialize it you can use the {} to define the internals of the values within for example

typedef struct
    int coding;
    int friends;
} newType;
newType nT = { 10, 20};

so coding = 10 and friends = 20

But if you try and over initialize the values that are not present, e.g.

newType nT = { 10, 20, 30 }; // there is not place to put the 30

then the compiler will compile with

error: too many initializers for 

memcpy – copy the memory contents from one place to another

The memcpy function, does not really care about the parameters passed in, if they are the same types or of different types. Just that they are variables already declared (and of course can hold the data being passed from one place to another, because otherwise there may be a slight overlap if the copied value is larger in memory size to the copier).

So the memcpy is just a binary data copy and nothing else, there is no type checking.

Here is a example in c++ code that will copy a newly created struct(ure) from one place to another.

void* memcpy (void *copied_to, const void *copier, size_t num);

where the return is also the copied_to value, since we are not altering the copier then a const(ant) can be applied and the last parameter is num which is the size of the data you want to copy.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// diferent type of object, e.g. not a int,char
typedef struct 
    int bob;
} insertType;
int main()
  // create two variables of insertType with default values for bob of 10 and 20
  insertType t1 = { 10 };
  insertType t2 = { 20 };
  // output the declared values
  printf("t1 = %d\nt2 = %d\n", t1.bob, t2.bob);
  // do a memory copy of t2 into t1 only copy as big as the variable size.
  memcpy(&t1, &t2, sizeof(insertType));
  // output the new values
  printf("t1 = %d\nt2 = %d\n", t1.bob, t2.bob);
  return 0;

here is the output

t1 = 10
t2 = 20
t1 = 20
t2 = 20

also note that the size_t is a unsigned integral type (normal of int, of the base operating system)

qt – emit a signal

When you trying to link the slots and signals together you need to have a QObject::connect and also a emitting, I have created a basic demonstration of this with a QPushButton (link to qt signal and slots, and a QT link for the signal and slots)

The basics of slot(s) and signal(s) with emit(ting) is that a slot is where the emit(ed) signal goes to, when a signal is emit(ed) via a class. For example if you want to link a value changed event then you would emit a signal from within the class and then use that signal with the QObject::connect to link to a slot within class as well.

I have created a class called EmitterTest that has a function within it called

        void setValueAndEmit(int v);

this function will set the value and emit the signal for any QObject::connect to link to a slot. To emit the signal you just

        emit valueChanged(v);

where the valueChanged is the signal within the class definition (you do not define that function because it is kinder like a virtual function).

To allow for these slots and signals to be defined within the class you need to call the macro Q_OBJECT at the top of the class (within a private area) so that all of the necessary attachments to the class can be created (within the moc file associated with the class when you run the qmake later on).

To define a signal and slot there is keywords within the “new” class structure available because of the Q_OBJECT and you can just use them like public and private declarations

    public slots :
        void setValue(int v);
        void valueChanged(int newV);

signals are always public in there access rights.

What the code below does is to create a slot and signal with a function that will emit a signal when called (the function that is) so the signal is “fired” off to what ever is listening to it, to connect a signal to a slot you use the QObject::connect as below

    EmitterTest em1, em2;
    QObject::connect(&em1, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
                     &em2, SLOT(setValue(int)));

where the EmitterTest is the class that I am creating, and the object em1 signal valueChanged is linked to the same class type but different instance of it, em2 slot setValue.

Here is the code below for the full EmitterTest, here is the header file for the emitting test class, if you save as emitting.h

#ifndef EMITTING_H
#define EMITTING_H
#include <QObject>
class EmitterTest : public QObject
        EmitterTest() { mem_value = 0;}
        int getValue() const { return mem_value;}
        void setValueAndEmit(int v);
    // these pick up the emitted signal
    public slots :
        void setValue(int v);
    // these are what are sent out over emitted signals
    // you do not implement the signals since they are just virtual functions
    // as such that you call with emit then the value within the parameter(s)
    // is passed to the slot.
        void valueChanged(int newV);
        int mem_value;
#endif // EMITTING_H

and here is the emitting.cpp file, that holds the main runtime main function.

#include <QObject>
#include <QString>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "emitting.h"
void EmitterTest::setValue(int v)
    // if the value has changed
    printf("The new value for %d\n", v);
    mem_value = v;
void EmitterTest::setValueAndEmit(int v)
    // if the value has changed
    if (v != mem_value)
        mem_value = v;
        emit valueChanged(v);
int main()
    EmitterTest em1, em2;
    QObject::connect(&em1, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),
                     &em2, SLOT(setValue(int)));
    printf("The connection from the object connection em1 %d should equal em2 %d \n", em1.getValue(), em2.getValue());
    printf("The connection from the object connection em1 %d should NOT equal em2 %d \n", em1.getValue(), em2.getValue());
    // the values are not the same because I have not connected them even though I have called the emit within the
    // setValueAndEmit
    return 0;

if you save them into a directory and then to compile you need to have the qmake and also make (nmake for windows) to make the relevant files to build a qt project. The qmake project creates the necessary .pro file to build the project, the qmake will build the necessary files (moc files) for the make (or nmake) to build the project into a executable file

qmake -project

and then there will be a executable file within that directory and the output will be once you have run it

The new value for 10
The connection from the object connection em1 10 should equal em2 10
The connection from the object connection em1 10 should NOT equal em2 15

as you notice since I only connected em1 signal to em2, if you change em2 mem_value then em1 does not change as well because the em2 signal is not linked back to the em1 slot.

If you get this error when you are trying out any emit test

undefined reference to `vtable for --- your class name

, it is because for some reason if you use the Q_OBJECT you need to define the class within a .h (header file) and then it will compile instead if you try and use the same .cpp for the main source code then you will get this error message.

kernel – hello world

To compile up this module you will need to have the linux header files, which should be installed but if not you just need to either use apt-get, rpm, pacman etc to install the linux header files.

With kubuntu I use the aptitude command to install applications and updates etc, but to get the linux-headers I used

aptitude install linux-headers

that is normally linked to the latest version of the linux kernel that you are using.

The main part of the program is outputting a potential parameter being passed (passing parameters to a nvidia kernel module here) and also saying hello world, kinder two for the price of one as such tutorial.

As in c language there is the printf, but in the kernel there is a printk which is the same similar thing but more for outputting errors/messages to the user.

So for example

printk(KERN_INFO "hi there\n");

the KERN_INFO is a kernel information marco that sends the details to a information level of output, e.g. /var/log/messages or you could use dmesg

here is the code on how to pull in parameters from a kernel module being loaded, the parameter_int is my parameter to be checked against and the S_IRUSR is the access rights (IR = read permission, IW = write permission, USR = user, GRP = group, OTH = others)

The module_param takes 3 parameters, the first is the variable to place the value into, second is the variable type and the third is the access rights, with the MODULE_PARM_DESC is the description of the parameter to pass, in this case it is just a integer value.

static int parameter_int = 0;
module_param(parameter_int, int, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(parameter_int, "An integer value");

Within a normal c/c++ program there is a main function where the program is run from, but in the kernel space since the main program is already running you can define what functions to call when the module is inserted and also removed,


the module_init parameter is the function to call when the module is loaded and the module_exit parameter is the function to call when module is removed from the kernel space.

Here is the full code, if you save this as helloworld_parameter.c

/* hello world with passing some parameters in the kernel module */
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/stat.h>
/* need to setup a setup a static variable to hold the parameter value and
   set it to a default value is none is passed */
static int parameter_int = 0;
/* the linux/stat.h has the S_IRUSR definitions etc.. */
/* S_IRUSR = read permission, owner
   S_IWUSR = write permission, owner
   S_IRGRP = read permission, group
   S_IROTH = read permission, others
module_param(parameter_int, int, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(parameter_int, "An integer value");
static int __init hello_init(void)
	printk(KERN_INFO "Hello world\n\n");
	printk(KERN_INFO "my parameter int value is : %d\n", parameter_int);
	return 0;
static void __exit hello_exit(void)
	printk(KERN_INFO "Goodbye from hello world parameter\n");

since we are compiling a kernel module we need to link to the loaded kernel modules, here is a Makefile to compile up the program, so save this as “Makefile”

obj-m += helloworld_parameter.o
	make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
	make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean

the first is the obj-m += which means compile a object module and you could have more than one file to compile up so use the += to add more files to it, the -C means change directory for the build environment for the kernel space, the M is a parameter passed to the build environment to use this current directory for where the source files are, and the modules means to create kernel modules e.g. filename.ko.

once you have run the


there should be a file called helloworld_parameter.ko, to find out details about your new module you can use the modinfo

modinfo helloworld_parameter.ko
filename:       helloworld_parameter.ko
author:         genux
license:        GPL
srcversion:     A81F18D40DA3C5FAB1C71FF
vermagic:       2.6.31-17-generic SMP mod_unload modversions
parm:           parameter_int:An interger value (int)

and the parm: is the important part here, it is what the parameter is called to pass a value to for example to watch the module being inserted if you open up two consoles and on one put

tail -f /var/log/messages

in the second console do

insmod helloworld_parameter.ko
rmmod helloworld_parameter.ko
insmod helloworld_parameter.ko parameter_int=3
rmmod helloworld_parameter.ko

and the output should be in the first console

Hello world
my parameter int value is : 0
Goodbye from hello world parameter
Hello world
my parameter int value is : 3
Goodbye from hello world parameter

hope that helps with kernel modules, I am planning on doing a kernel module for a custom built USB device.

operator – comparisons

Comparisons between classes are different compared to local variables e.g. int(eger), float, doubles.. because the comparisons aspects of the standard variables have already been done e.g.

int a=2;
int b =3;
if (a==b)....

the comparison being the “==”, within your own classes if you want to test against a another object that is of the same class you will have to write a comparison function that will either return true or false, of course there are other comparisons <,>, <=, >= etc and also +,- which can be implemented if you wanted to.

The basics of the comparison operator is

bool operator == (const yourclassname &tester)

where yourclassname is what you have called your class, of course you can run comparisons with other classes and also standard variables like floats, but you will need to write a separate one for each. The operator is the keyword, and it returns a bool(ean) result which is either true/false, so once you have done a comparison within this function you just return either true or false and the code below will still compile

classA a;
classA b;
if (a==b) ..

below is code that you can compile to demonstrate operator keyword abit more.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class classA
  public : 
    int x;
  // of course you cannot alter the testing class so const 
  // the tester is the right hand side of the boolean test e.g.
  // if (A == B ) . A = this class and B = tester
  bool operator == (const classA &tester)
      if (x == tester.x) 
	return true; 
	return false;
int main()
    classA a;
    classA b;
    a.x = 0;
    b.x = 0;
    if (a==b)
      cout << "the same" << endl;
      cout << "not the same" << endl;
    b.x = 1;
    if (a==b)
      cout << "the same" << endl;
      cout << "not the same" << endl;
    return 0;

and the output would be

the same
not the same

QT – hello world – signals and slots

QT framework is a great application stack that allows for cross development (between different OS’s) without having to re-do the code for e.g.Linux/Windows different setups. It is similar to Java and C Sharp (C#) in that way, but the difference with them is that they compile into a native object which can then run within a virtual machine where as the QT framework is more designed to be compiled within each setup, which should make it quicker as well because it will be in the native code and not running in a virtual machine.

The nice thing about QT is that it has its own SIGNAL and SLOTS, similar to C Sharp (C#) events process where you can link something happening to when something else has just happened (e.g. moved a value on a slider bar and a integer value alters as well).

I shall go into more detail with SIGNAL’s and SLOT’s in the next tutorial for QT development, but in essence they are defined within the class of the object itself and then you link them with a “connect” syntax. e.g.

    object::connect(object_to_send_signal, SIGNAL(signal_of_the_object_that_will_be_emit),
                        object_to_pick_up_signal, SLOT(function_to_call_once_signal_has_been_emitted));

so you will link/connect a objects that sends a signal to a slot that receives the signal.

Here is a basic GUI for a QT application that will have a button that says “QUIT” and also a signal that is emitted once that button class clicked() has happened, that links to the application (QApplication object) that has a “quit” function that stops the program from executing.

To start with we first include the basic header files and then create a QApplication (the gui as such) and then a QPushButton object with the default text being “Quit”.

    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("Quit");

once this has happened we then create the connection between the clicking of the button to the application “quit”ing function.

    QObject::connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()),
                        &app, SLOT(quit()));

we have only created the button but not placed it on the screen, so we use the show method within the button class and then run the application execution function to actually run the GUI program

    return app.exec();

if you save this file within a directory called quit and call this file quit.cpp

#include <QApplication>
#include <QPushButton>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    QPushButton *button = new QPushButton("Quit");
    QObject::connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()),
                        &app, SLOT(quit()));
    return app.exec();

then change to that directory within your console/command line and then we need to build up the QT compiling project files.

qmake -project

this will make the file within that same directory (it uses the same name as the directory name), and within that file is

# Automatically generated by qmake (2.01a) Wed Feb 24 11:49:39 2010
# Input
SOURCES += quit.cpp

which basically means that the application uses the source files of quit.cpp, you then need to create the Makefile (which is the actual compiling c++ file that g++ uses to create the application)


so the directory will be something similar to


within Linux you can just now run the make command which will make the application “quit” but without windows you would need to have the nmake command instead, so run either make or nmake and within the directory now will be a quit application that you can run and the output would be a simple GUI with a button on it that says “Quit” and once you click that button the application will quit.

enum – what are they

A enum type is basically a array on constant elements that you can assign to words a integer value.

To give a example, lets say that you have a different type of car

enum cars { VAUX, FORD, LAND };

which in turn mean that VAX = 0 and FORD = 1 and LAND = 2, arrays start from 0 of course.

So you can use the code as

enum cars car = VAUX;
if (car == VAUX) printf("Vauxhall car\n");

which would make more sense than saying

int car = 0;
if (car == 0) printf("Vauxhall car\n");