Linux file structure – comparsion with Windows

Here is the Linux file structure from the root, which some explanations. The main explanation for the /bin, /boot /lib are the basic files that are required on boot up that the kernel needs to “run” as such. The files within the /usr are the files that user programs use e.g. games.

Anyway here is a list of directories on my linux setup.

bin binary files for boot up e.g. mount e.g.
boot boot files – kernel images etc.
dev devices on the computer.
etc configuration files for the programs
home home users, e.g. your name /home/ian
lib libraries
lib32 libraries for the 32bit programs
lib64 /lib (link to the libraries since I am using the 64 linux version)
media media that is going to be mounted (cd-rom’s)
mnt media that is going to be mounted (Hard drives etc)
opt opitional programs e.g. things like google chrome, they are normally place in here is not distro specific.
proc processes that are happening on the computer, all process you can “talk” to
root root home files.
sbin sbin, booted up at initial stage of the boot process, things like modprobe for setting up systems items.
sys system image of devices attached and also file systems that are loadable.
tmp tempoary files.
usr user files, e.g. games, libraries, binary files
bin games include lib lib32 lib64 local sbin share src
it has its own includes, libraries, sbin and bin directories for all of the files within that user directory.
var variable files, e.g. logs, apache www hosting files.

The Windows equivalent would be that most of the / (root) directory is within the c:/windows directory, apart from the /home which is the c:/Users or c:/Documents depending on your Windows version.

bin /Windows /Windows/System32 /Windows/System
boot boot.ini file that points to what to do.
dev Does not appear to have something similar on the file system
etc /Program Data (depending on Windows versions)
home /Users
lib /Windows /Windows/System32 /Windows/System /Windows/.Net (for .Net stuff) etc.
media Does not appear to have a link to the different mount points but display them on the windows explorer
mnt Does not appear to have a link to the different mount points but display them on the windows explorer
opt /Program files/
proc Does not appear to have a list of running process on the file system, but you can view them with pslist pskill
root /Documents/Admin user account
sbin /Windows
sys Does not appear to have a list of devices attached
tmp /tmp
usr /Program files/
var /Program files/ or where ever you want them.

That kinder helps me to understand that there is more details on the command line, directory structure to actual processes and devices attached than Windows, well of course there is the regviewer that can display options like the /etc in the linux but nothing as structured, things just across like a mess (to me anyway).