Wordsearch php – grid class

From the post on the projects page, wordsearch, here is a basic design of a grid class that can be used to link together with the other aspects of a wordsearch game. This will be able to create a basic grid and populate it with characters.

The reason why I created the createGridRow function was because this class could be inherited and thus alter any aspects of the class to suit the future needs.



within the code references the local variables of the class and not any other variables e.g. local to that function.


chr(rand(0,25) + 97);

means create a chr (character) from a random generated value within a range of 0 to 25 (26 letters in the English alphabet) and then add the value 97 to it, because the integer value of 97 – 125 are the ascii codes for a-z characters.

class Grid {
  /* private section of the class grid */
  // store the size and the grid
    private $_size = 0;
    private $_grid;
  /* the public section of the class grid */
    // construct the grid with a given size
    public function __construct($size=0) 
      // set the private variables
      $this->_size = $size; 
      $this->_grid = array();
      for ($i =1; $i <= $this->_size; $i++)
	// create each row of the grid with the class function createGridRow
	$this->_grid[$i] = $this->createGridRow();
    // delete the grid 
    public function __destruct()
      // clear up the grid, each line and then the whole object.
      for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->_size; $i++)
    /* createGridRow, this can be inherited and thus altered to create any type of character in the grid */
    public function createGridRow()
	$_grid_insert = array();
	for ($j = 1; $j <= $this->_size; $j++)
	  $_grid_insert[$j] = chr(rand(0,25) + 97);
	return $_grid_insert;
    /* basic print out of a grid */
    public function printOut()
      echo "The grid<br/>";
      for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->_size; $i++)
	echo "$i .. ";
	for ($j = 1; $j <= $this->_size; $j++)
	    echo " $j = ".$this->_grid[$i][$j];
	echo "<br/>";
    /* return the size of the grid */
    public function returnSize()
      return $this->_size;
    /* insert a character into the grid at position X, Y and the character */
    public function insertCharIntoGrid($pX, $pY, $char)
	$this->_grid[$pY][$pX] = $char;
    /* return the grid reference */
    public function returnGrid()
      return $this->_grid;
$wordsearch_grid = new Grid(6);

The output of the code as above is

The grid
1 .. 1 = l 2 = l 3 = z 4 = m 5 = h 6 = m
2 .. 1 = u 2 = r 3 = z 4 = s 5 = k 6 = y
3 .. 1 = f 2 = k 3 = j 4 = n 5 = k 6 = p
4 .. 1 = h 2 = p 3 = x 4 = o 5 = c 6 = q
5 .. 1 = s 2 = s 3 = x 4 = r 5 = u 6 = v
6 .. 1 = r 2 = f 3 = g 4 = q 5 = s 6 = o