Overrideing polymorphism – c#

Overrideing is also similar to overloading (sometimes it can be called the same thing since you are overloading/polymorphism functions and classes).

Polymorphism is when you implement functions that are defined in the base class, overriding is when you over ride a base class function.

But with Overrideing classes in c# you can override functions from the base class that are declared as virtual. Virtual means that they are capable of being overridden in a inherited class, so that incase someone tries to call a method of a same name in a subclass then the base class is still called e.g. sometimes better using code and output to show more than what words can say.

Here is not using the virtual keyword in the base class, so that when you try to call the subclasses same method it still goes to the base class.

using System;
namespace polymorphism
	class Shape {
		public void printName()
			Console.WriteLine("Shape base class");
	class Circle : Shape {
		public new void printName()
			Console.WriteLine("Circle class");
	class Rectangle : Shape {
		public new void printName()
			Console.WriteLine("Rectangle class");
	class Line : Shape {
		public new void printName()
			Console.WriteLine("Line class");
	class MainClass
		public static void Main(string[] args)
			Shape[] shapesArray = new Shape[4];
			shapesArray[0] = new Shape();
			shapesArray[1] = new Circle();
			shapesArray[2] = new Rectangle();
			shapesArray[3] = new Line();
			foreach (Shape shape in shapesArray)

output would

Shape base class
Shape base class
Shape base class
Shape base class

but with the

virtual -  override


The code

using System;
namespace polymorphism
	class Shape {
		public virtual void printName()
			Console.WriteLine("Shape base class");
	class Circle : Shape {
		public override void printName()
			Console.WriteLine("Circle class");
	class Rectangle : Shape {
		public override  void printName()
			Console.WriteLine("Rectangle class");
	class Line : Shape {
		public override  void printName()
			Console.WriteLine("Line class");
	class MainClass
		public static void Main(string[] args)
			Shape[] shapesArray = new Shape[4];
			shapesArray[0] = new Shape();
			shapesArray[1] = new Circle();
			shapesArray[2] = new Rectangle();
			shapesArray[3] = new Line();
			foreach (Shape shape in shapesArray)

As expected the printName() function was called from the subclasses, because of the virtual keyword.

Shape base class
Circle class
Rectangle class
Line class

Overloading methods – c#

Overloading a method in a class is making a method name be able to take different parameters and return values. A good example would be if you had a method that was adding a passed value to a internal private variable, but wanted to be able to do different processes if the value is a integer /double / floating point number. To overload a method as above the code would be similar to this

public void addNumber(int intValue)
public void addNumber(double doubleValue)

Here is a basic overloading method, to just print out to the console a message.

using System;
namespace inheritance
	class firstClass
		public void printClassName()
		// overloading the method printClassName
		public void printClassName(String additionalMessage)
			Console.WriteLine("FirstClass  : " + additionalMessage);
	class MainClass
		public static void Main(string[] args)
			firstClass first = new firstClass();
			// call the overloaded function to pass in a message to print out.

output would be

FirstClass  : overloaded