
The standard class function are not able to utilize the standard operators within the c# language, for example the multiple, add, subtraction and divide in a mathematics example.

To overcome this problem, there is a ‘operator’ special syntax that allows for this to take place. The operator can work with any of the c# language standard functions of which you are able to program there functional aspects within the class. The syntax for this is

public static <return type> operator <operator type>(<parameter list of passed variables>);

for example if there was an return type of int and two integer values passed in the parameter list and using the addition operator.

public static int operator +(int a, int b)

Below is some code that will demonstrate this further within a general code development.

using System;
class operatorBase
       private int i;       // private member of the class
       public operatorBase() 
              i = 0;       
       public operatorBase(int init)  
              this.i = init; 
       // get and set the value for the private member i
       public int Value
              get { return i;}
              set { i = value;}
       // the operator +, parameters are the two values that you want to add, can be overloaded with different values
       // e.g. (int i2, int i3) for example.
       public static operatorBase operator +(operatorBase i2, operatorBase i3)
              // create the return;
              operatorBase locali= new operatorBase();
              locali.i = i2.i + i3.i;  have access to the internals of passed parameters
              return  locali;       // return the operatorBase class
class operatorTest
       public static void Main()
              operatorBase opBase = new operatorBase();
              // set the value to 3 and also output the value;
              opBase.Value = 3;
              operatorBase opBase2 = new operatorBase(4);
              // to add to the operatorbases together, but will return an operatorBase, thus bracket the equation and use the .Value to get the value. 
              Console.WriteLine((opBase + opBase2).Value);
              // since creating two new on the fly operatorBase, then the result is an int value again.
              Console.WriteLine((new operatorBase().Value = 3) + (new operatorBase().Value = 2));

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