Conditions – true or false

When you want to do a test against true or false with a integer value. Basically 0 is false and anything else is true, as demonstrated below.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
  for (int i = -10; i < 10; i++)
      if (i) 
	  cout << "true " << i << endl;
	  cout << "false " << i << endl;

and the output of this is, the true/false values is after the if statement.

true -10
true -9
true -8
true -7
true -6
true -5
true -4
true -3
true -2
true -1
false 0
true 1
true 2
true 3
true 4
true 5
true 6
true 7
true 8
true 9

Constant casting

Constant casting is when you are for example calling a external library function that does not understand the const (constant) type and so you will need to take it off because the program will do something funny otherwise, crash. etc..

Here is a example code of a const_cast

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int exampleextenalfuction(int value)
	// you can alter the value if you want to, since it is not longer a constant value
	return value  + value;
int main()
	const int constvalue = 2;
	cout << constvalue << endl;
	cout << "Calling a external function that does not use constant types" << endl;
	cout << exampleextenalfuction(const_cast<int&>(constvalue)) << endl;

Static casting

Static casting is when you want to convert one type into another, static casting is used allot of the time without even knowing. For example

int value = 2;
float t = float(value);

the float(value) is a static casting of converting one value into another. Below is a full code example

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
	int i = 3;
	// the float(<value)> is basically a static cast from a interger value into a float
	cout << float(i) << endl;
	cout << static_cast<float>(i) << endl;

It is very small since static_cast’ing is very basic in nature, but the only problem is that you have to check to make sure that there is a error e.g not NULL.

Execution order

Execution order of programs code is very much a vital thing to understand and where some fault finds will take a long while to figure out. Basically like in maths where there is a order of calculating, well in coding structures and also multitasking and multi-threading setups the execution order may be incorrect for lines of code.

Here is some examples, the first is when will a function be called and the later when post/pre incrementation will take place.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int value =1;
int setvalue2()
	cout << "setting value"<<endl;
	value = 2;
	return value;
int returnvalue()
	cout << "renting value"<< endl;
	return value;	
int main()
	// depending on the order of execution the value may be
	/* setvalue2 called first
		(setvalue2 = 2 / returnvalue = 2) = 1
	   returnvalue called first
		(setvalue2 = 2 / returnvalue = 1) = 2
	cout << setvalue2() / returnvalue() << endl;
	int i;
	i = i++ - ++i;	// not sure what i will be because the pre/post increaments 
	i = 3, i++, i++; // i will equal 5 because in correct order.

Dynamic Casting

Dynamic casting, means that you can convert one object into another that is off the same type. For example, if you had a base class called Shape and a inherited class called Rectangle then you are able to convert a Shape object into a Rectangle.

Rectangle *rec = dynamic_cast<Shape *>(shapeobject);

sort of thing, there has to be a virtual function within the base class otherwise the compiler will complain, but apart from that that is about it.

Dynamic casting allows for NULL returns which is the best thing, because you can test to see if the casting actually worked and not to do anything silly on a NULL object which would crash the program.

Pointer casting uses the sytnax

<type> *p_subclass = dynamic_cast<<type> *>( p_obj );

Reference will not throw an error/expcetion so will need to check std::bad_cast< typeinfo header >, here is the syntax

<type> subclass = dynamic_cast<<type> &>( ref_obj );

Hopefully this will make more sense for how and why it works.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class classA 
	public	:
		int x;		// should be private
		char y;		// should be private
 		virtual ~classA() {}; 	// need to have a virtual function for dynamic casting
// basic classA constructor
	cout << "classA" << endl; 
	x = 1; 
	y = 'a';
class classB : public classA
	public :
		int b;		// should be private
		~classB() {};	// complete the virtual
// basic classB constructor
	cout << "classB" << endl;
	x = 2;
	y = 'b';
int main()
	classA newa;	// classA obj
	cout << "class A constructed" << endl;
	classB newb;	// classB obj
	cout << "class B constructed" << endl;
	cout << "NewA X " << newa.x << endl;
	cout << "NewB X " << newb.x << endl;
	// point a classB to a already created classB object
	classB *normalB = &newb;
	// dynamic_cast a normalB object (newb) to another classA object
	classA *dynA = dynamic_cast<classB *>(normalB);	
	cout << "dynamic A X " << dynA->x << endl;
	// does not work, because you cannot convert classA into a classB, but if classA was pointing to a classB type.
	classA *normalA = &newa;
	classB *dynB = dynamic_cast<classB *>(normalA);
	if (dynB)	// above produces a 0 because invalid.
		cout << "dynamic B X " << dynB->x << endl;
		cout << "dynamic B X " << dynB->b << endl;
	// this does work because it is converting from a pointer of classB type, which was "sitting" in a classA container
	// and then is converted back to a classB
	classA *normalA2 = &newb;
	classB *dynB2 = dynamic_cast<classB *>(normalA2);
	if (dynB2)	// above produces a 0 because invalid.
		cout << "dynamic A2X " << normalA2->x << endl;	// output is 2 because it was a classB constructed
		cout << "dynamic B X " << dynB2->x << endl;
		cout << "dynamic B X " << dynB2->b << endl;

C++ DLL Objects accessed from C#

Because there is a few things that c# cannot do compared to c++, e.g. cpu/memory management. And also there is probably allot of dll’s out there are still required for some events, c# is able to communicate with these files and use there functions within the c# language.

To create an dll within Visual Studio 2005 within the language c++, if you do the following

1. New project -> c++ -> empty project
2. Enter project name (e.g. hellocdll)
3. Right click source files ( in the solution explorer) add-> new item
enter an cpp filename.
4, Right click on the main project heading in the solution explorer -> properties
configuration properties->general inner screen project defaults -> configuration type, alter to dynamic library (.dll)
5. Copy and paste code and then compile.

#include <stdio.h>
extern "C"
  __declspec(dllexport) void DisplayMessageFromDLL()
              printf ("Hi From the C DLL!\n");
  __declspec(dllexport) int DisplayValueAndReturn(int i)
         printf("Value %i\n", i);
         return i+2;

The extern “C” means that the references within the code are going to be available externally and marco __declsepc(dllexport) is for the MS compile to inform that functions are to be available within an dll file.

To create an c# project to communicate with the above dll

1. New project -> c# -> empty project
2. Enter project name (e.g. hellodlltest)
3. Right click on the project name ( in the solution explorer) add-> new item
select class and enter a filename
4. Copy and paste the code and then compile. (you may need to change the Dllimport to the dll file name that has been created from the c dll project)

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;     // DLL support
namespace hellodlltest
    class hellodllC
        public static extern void DisplayMessageFromDLL();
        public static extern int DisplayValueAndReturn(int i);
        static void Main ()
                  Console.WriteLine ("C# program 'talking' to an C DLL");

5. Copy the dll file from the debug directory of the c++ created dll project and place into the created bin/debug directory for this c# project

Define – the marco that can save time

The define part of the c/c++ language is able to save on coding time. The define is only really good for a one line of code that a function would be far to much of a over kill.

Here are three examples of the define,

#define MAXVALUE 20

this will allow for a hard coded value to be used within the coding

#define PrintHello cout << "Hello" << endl;

this will print hello when you call the marco as

void main()

and last is passing parameters to the marco

#define PrintWord(word) cout << word << endl;

will change the word parameter within the code to the passed value for example both will work

void main()
       PrintWord("hi there");

since the marco will convert the passed parameter to the value.